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MBA Degree

MBA (Master’s in Business Administration) is a general management degree taught from a global perspective that prepares students for a range of management careers. It is primarily directed toward individuals who already have work experience in professional jobs or in entry-level to mid-level management positions. Our MBA programs consist of 66 Credits and have a strong foundation in academic research, yet all are designed to tackle the very real issues that face today’s international business community.

The MBA degree represents career collaboration and personal developments are intrinsically linked to achieving career aspirations. For some students, the Pokhara University MBA is the next step in their existing career trajectory. For others, it provides the opportunity to reconsider their future and either embark on a related field or a totally new career direction. Armed with both the qualification and the experience of the Pokhara University MBA degree, our students go on to enjoy fulfilling, successful careers in major corporations and organizations in Nepal and elsewhere.  Other students are inspired to set up their own businesses, perhaps using their graduate research project or their thesis as an opportunity to develop their own business plan. The school offers a real focus on entrepreneurship, which will help shape the business world tomorrow. MBA students of Uniglobe College, Nepal’s top MBA college will be able to:

  • display competencies and knowledge in key business functional areas including accounting, finance, marketing, and management
  • possess the skills to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing
  • work effectively and professionally in teams
  • develop an understanding of the diverse and rapidly changing global business environment
  • possess the skills to identify professional issues in a variety of contexts
  • apply decision-making techniques, using both quantitative and qualitative analysis, to management issues
  • analyze and evaluate ethical problems that occur at all levels of business decision making
  • conduct a strategic analysis using both theoretical and practical applications
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