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Undergraduate Level Programs

Undergraduate programs at Uniglobe College allow students to enhance their skills and a sense of strategic outlook.


Bachelor of Computer System and Information Technology

BCSIT program in Uniglobe College provides you an opportunity to meet up your ideas into reality. Our college have a strong group of full-time specialized IT professionals who will be available regularly for the students to provide inhouse trainings unlike other institutions.


Bachelor of Business Administration

BBA at Uniglobe College offers the students all the skills and capabilities required for competent management of any kind of enterprise. This program is premeditated to equip students with functional knowledge in the field of business administration with strong communication and professional skills.

BBA (Finance)

Bachelor of Business Administration (Finance)

The Bachelor of Business Administration – Banking and Insurance (BBA- BI) program targets to afford comprehensive knowledge, conceptual understanding and skills in the area of business and management with specific focus in the areas of finance, banking and insurance.

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