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About UEDC


Uniglobe Entrepreneurship Development Center (UEDC) is established to foster the entrepreneurial journey of the students by bringing different entities as Uniglobe Incubation Center, Uniglobe Student Center for Entrepreneurship, Uniglobe Research Center in Innovation and Uniglobe Idea – National Level Business Plan Competition.

The Uniglobe Incubation Center (UIC) was established in the year 2018 with the aim to materialize innovative ideas into rreal-timebusiness. UIC is a collaborative effort of Uniglobe College and Antarprerana. Its primary goal is to support the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Nepal to create a conducive environment where startups can flourish and create employment opportunities at home.

With the Objective to engage the student in entrepreneurial process Uniglobe College established student-led Center as Uniglobe Student Center for Entrepreneurship in January 2017. The approach of this center is driven by leading in innovation and new product development to complement the market gap. Ozone Fest 2018 is one of the many programs conducted to foster the green economy in the context of increasing pollution in Kathmandu.

Uniglobe Research Center in Innovation is a platform for young minds to understand the market via research in the different field. The data is driven to help the entrepreneurs in making the right decision rather than just working in assumptions.

Uniglobe Idea – National Level Business Plan Competition is an inter-college and an open competition event with the aim to bring the pool of innovative and creative youths in a common platform to aid their creative ideas turning into successful start-ups. The major objectives of this program are to promote the entrepreneurial spirit, skills, and experience among the students & to provide a platform for students to unveil their hidden talents, proficiency and ideas towards commercialization.

Uniglobe Incubation Center

The Uniglobe Incubation Center (UIC) was established in the year 2018 with the aim to materialize innovative ideas into real time business. UIC is a collaborative effort of Uniglobe College and Antarprerana. Its primary goal is to support the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Nepal to create a conducive environment where startups can flourish and create employment opportunities at home.

Vision: To help create a sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem to foster economic development. 

Mission: To motivate and assist students solve existing problems through innovative business ideas.

What is an Incubation Center?

An incubation center is a place where incubation activities are carried out, and would‐be entrepreneurs and existing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) find a suitable place, in terms of facilities and expertise, to address their needs and develop their business ideas, and transform them into a sustainable model.

Through these incubators, students will get first-hand practical experience on how to start a business and get a chance to develop their business model, experiment, and learn from their mistakes while being guided by experienced and skilled mentors and getting feedback from their peers.

Available Facilities at Uniglobe Incubation Center

The Uniglobe Incubation Center (UIC) is one of a kind of incubation center which provides facilities like mentorship, networking, co-working space, a seed fund and various other support mechanisms which would help aspiring student entrepreneurs to start their business at minimum cost. Some of the facilities that are available in UIC are as follows:

  • Mentorship
  • Co-Working Space
  • Seed Fund
  • Networking
  • Access to Investors
  • Prototyping

What Is Incubation?

Business incubation is a unique and highly flexible combination of business development processes, infrastructure and people designed to nurture new and small businesses by helping them to survive and grow through the difficult and vulnerable early stages of development.

Innovation should be read and understood in the broadest sense of the word. Innovation can be found indeed in technology, but also in downstream applications (of a generic technology), in advanced and in knowledge‐intensive services, in business models, in marketing and customer‐led processes, in design, in standards, in organization and management, and so on.

The need of an Incubation Center

The academic institutions including colleges and universities have important roles to play in educating and cultivating future entrepreneurs. The quality of entrepreneurship education in most cases is extremely low due to the lack of first-hand experience and knowledge of start-up culture and activities.

Antarprerana aims to collaborate with colleges and universities to improve the quality of their entrepreneurship education by facilitating them in the establishment and institutionalization of  Incubation Center through Innovation Based Incubators (IBIs). IBI will comprise of activities with a focus to nurture innovations at the academic institutions.

Monthly Activities of Uniglobe Incubation Center

February 2018

  • Construction of Incubation Center
  • Formation of Executive Board
  • The first phase of Training of Trainers (ToT)

March 2018

  • Training of Trainers (ToT)
  • Orientation Program for students
  • Formation of Working Committee

What is an Incubation Center?

Incubation is a process, which supports entrepreneurs in developing their own business. An incubation center is a place where incubation activities are carried out, and would‐be entrepreneurs and existing SMEs find a suitable place, in terms of facilities and expertise, to address their needs and develop their business ideas, and transform them into sustainable realities.

Why should I join Incubation Center?

Students will get first-hand practical experience on how to start a business and get a chance to develop their business model, experiment, and learn from their mistakes while being guided by experienced and skilled mentors and getting feedback from their peers.

What are the facilities available at Incubation Center?

Incubation center provides facilities like mentor-ship, networking, co working space, seed fund and various other support mechanisms which would help aspiring student entrepreneurs to start their business at minimum cost.

Will I have to pay registration fees to register my idea?

No, there is no such cost involved in the registration process.

Will I have to pay fees if I get selected in the Incubation Program?

No, there is no cost involved if you get selected for the program.

Will I get funds to start my business from Incubation Center?

The incubation center will provide basic seed fund to selected students in the form of debt or equity which the students have to pay back when their business are up and running.

Will there be any other kind of support from Incubation Center?

Apart from the facilities mentioned above the incubation center will help students connect with other entrepreneurs and investors for them to learn and grow.

Welcome to Uniglobe College, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu. How may I assist you today?