Uniglobe College: Top ranked management college in Nepal
The featured publications of Uniglobe College include a selection of significant Journal Articles, Newspaper Articles, and Conference papers published by Uniglobe College faculty.
Bist, Jagadish Prasad (2016). Presented a paper entitled “Finance-Growth Nexus a case of Nepal: Evidence from time series unit roots and cointegration” at 4th PAN IIM World Management conference” 2016 at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad, 12th December 2016 for three days.
Bist, Jagadish Prasad (2017). Presented a paper entitled “Stock Market Development and Economic Growth: An ARDL Representation” at International Conference on Emerging Trend and Issues in Management organized by Tribhuvan University, June 1-2, 2017 Kathmandu, Nepal.
Bist, Jagadish Prasad (2015). Presented a research paper entitled “Profitability of Nepalese Commercial Banks: Test of Market Structure vs. Efficient Structure” at 13th Asian Business Research Conference, 26-27 December 2015. Dhaka, Bangladesh.