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Graduate Level Programs

MBA/MBA(Finance) programs at Uniglobe College facilitate the students with the opportunity to enhance their skills and a sense of the strategic outlook.

MBA Degree

Master of Business Administration

MBA (Master of Business Administration) program is to educate and concoct students with the knowledge, analytical ability, and management standpoints and skills needed to provide leadership to organizations contending in a world increasingly characterized by diversity in the workforce, rapid high-tech change, and a competitive international marketplace.

MBA (Finance)

Master of Business Administration (Finance)

The Faculty of Management, Pokhara University has designed Master of Business Administration (Finance) program with the objective of preparing managers who are well conversant not only with the various latest managerial concepts, tools, and techniques but also with the banking, insurance and financial trends so that they can take up the challenges of leading and managing their organizations by building competitive edge in the national and global context.

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