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Communication Centre


Uniglobe, the best management college matures better skills in its students fetching them effective business communication. It highlights about the audience focused communication.

Uniglobe has started its own Communication Lab where students are nurtured, oriented towards communication excellence. The communication lab trains the students in evolving effective communication skills. It develops speech writing, organization, and delivery, presentations, public speaking, drafting business correspondence, preparing proposals and so on. It offers individual coaching, targeted workshops, and a spectrum of initiatives to support students as they learn key transferable communication skills that will help them achieve their career goals.

Communication Lab assists them in developing corporate flavor and professional etiquettes resulting in greater confidence.


“Finding ways to engage students in reading beyond the class room may be one of the most effective tools to influence social change”

One of the main goals of the Uniglobe College is to prepare the students for professional world, including academics and corporate. “READERS CLUB” is another endeavour of Uniglobe College, aimed at providing a platform for students to enhance the general, technical and scientific knowledge, including communication skill by reading and analysing the motivational books, professional development books, Spiritual books, newspaper articles or any relevant current topics on daily basis, initially at class room level. In addition to this, the club is also having objectives of

  1. Forming study circles to create reading ecosystem and environment
  2. Disseminating the knowledge and understanding of readings among the students
  3. Encouraging students to produce their own articles to publish in news papers
  4. Organizing various competitions at different level
  5. Displaying articles in display board at regular basis
  6. It exercises the Mind, improves Concentration, Focus, and to makes more confident.
  7. Inspires students to work hard and achieve success in their life.
  8. It Builds self-esteem – Make the students well informed which translates into higher self-esteem.

Motivational books

  1. Alchemist by : Paulo Coelho
  2. The Power of Positive Thinking : Norman Vincent Peale
  3. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Stephen Covey
  4. Think and Grow Rich: Napoleon Hill
  5. The Power of Habit: Charles Duhigg
  6. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and It’s All Small Stuff: Richard Carlson
  7. Awaken The Giant Within: Tony Robbins
  8. The 5 Second Rule: Mel Robbins
  9. How to win friends and influence people: Dale Carnegie
  10. Reach dad and poor dad: Richard Carlson
  11. Way of Living, Famous Spiritual Book for young minds: Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

Professional Development Books

  1. Who Moved My Cheese?: Spencer Johnson An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life
  2. Lean InWomen, Work, and the Will to Lead Sheryl Sandberg
  3. Crucial Conversations : Kerry Patterson     
  4. Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen: Donald Miller
  5. Emotional Intelligence: Daniel Goleman
  6. Good to Great: Jim Collins
  7. Practicing Mindfulness : Matthew Sockolov
  8. Dare to Lead : Brené Brown
  9. The Book of Joy:  Dalai Lama                 


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