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About BBA (Finance) Program

BBA(Finance) like any other bachelor program is a four-year Program, but if you have studied BBA(Finance) you are sure to have an upper edge over other management graduates especially while applying in the financial institution jobs such as in the Banks, Insurance Companies, Finance Companies, Development Banks, Investment and Fund Management, etc. The reason why there is an advantage in studying BBA(Finance) is that besides studying finance and accounting courses, BBA(Finance) students have to study various other courses which is specifically related to Banking and Insurance. To name some of the Banking and Insurance related courses are Credit Risk Management, Treasury Management, Risk and Insurance Management, Life and Health Insurance, and Property and Liability Insurance.  Earning a BBA(Finance) degree prepares students for management-level positions in the industry and gives them greater marketability.

Students benefit from the fact that the course is practice focused and is therefore focused on the skill base needed in the industry. Successful and engaged students will have developed a systematic understanding of the finance, banking and insurance disciplines, using the most up-to-date material and exposure to the latest theory and research on these topics. As a part of the degree program, they are also exposed to the international business scenario. The elective modules also give students the ability to further specialize in the core subjects.

Besides preparing for jobs, the BBA(Finance) degree also helps in developing business expertise in students to start their own business. Students educated in BBA(Finance), eventually come out with the confidence to start a business of their own. Although a BBA(Finance) degree is not a prerequisite for being a business entrepreneur, it definitely provides an added advantage to business endeavors. It equips students with entrepreneurial skills and gives them a deeper knowledge of business operations in the corporate world. The objective of the BBA(Finance) program are:

  • To develop a sound knowledge base and proper conceptual underpinnings of business management, banking, finance and insurance.
  • To make students well acquainted with the broader contexts of business organizations in Nepal and the wider world
  • To make students independent, critical and creative thinkers with analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • To make students competent in written and oral communication, including the ability to use electronic media and computers for business communication.
  • To develop the ability to work in teams and individually.

Uniglobe has made a lot of changes in the curriculum to help students learn better and get better jobs. 

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