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13th Uniglobe Int’l Management Conference-2025

13th UNIGL| February 5-6, 2025


Organized By
Uniglobe College
Supported By                                  Media Support


General Background

Realizing the importance of discussion on changing perspective of management especially in recent competitive markets, Pokhara University’s Uniglobe College is organizing 13th Uniglobe International Management Conference on “The Business of Growth: Challenges, Opportunities & Re-engineering (UIMC BGCOR – 2025)”. In order to address the multi-disciplinary repercussions of the global meltdown and COVID 19, and changing role of managerial decision making in the field of accounting, marketing, finance, human resource management, organizational behavior, corporate governance and so on, the conference intends to provide a platform for deliberation over its impact on a wide spectrum of arenas. This international conference provides opportunities for networking and meeting researchers and distinguished speakers from various countries. The sightseeing and evening cultural program are the special attractions which provide an opportunity to understand religion, culture and tradition of Nepal.
The conference will be addressed by distinguished international speakers mainly from Bangladesh, Finland, France, India, Malaysia, Slovenia, and USA.

Call for Papers

Uniglobe College invites papers from academicians, corporate executives, research scholars, business entrepreneurs and students for presentation during International Management Conference on a topic related to the themes and sub-themes. The participants are requested to send the soft copy of their paper in the standardized format as an attachment. The paper should preferably be of about 4000 words or less and preceded by an abstract of around 150 words along with references. The research paper should give details regarding the secondary sources referred to as per the commonly accepted pattern. The papers should be original and should not have been submitted anywhere else for any purpose. The standard and quality papers will be published in conference proceedings, Nepalese Journal of Management, Nepalese Journal of Finance, Nepalese Journal of Business and Nepalese Journal of Economics.

Key Dates

Last date for submission of abstracts October 20, 2024
Last date of submission of full paper December 20, 2024
Last date of registration January 2, 2025
Last date for submission of PPTs/presentation Files January 28, 2025
Conference dates February 5-6, 2025

Registration Fees

The registration fees for the participants willing to attend the conference physically are as under:

a) Participants from countries other than South Asia US$ 200 per person
b) Participants from South Asia other than India US$ 60 per person
c) Participants from India INR. 5,000 per person
c) Nepalese scholars & students N.Rs. 4,000 per person
d) Nepalese faculties and managers N.Rs. 7,000 per person

The registration fee includes modest accommodation on sharing basis for foreign delegates for 3 nights only. The participants accompanying with their spouse and children should also pay the above-mentioned registration fees, failing which accommodation will have to be arranged by themselves only.

The above fee also includes conference kits, breakfast/lunch/dinner on the conference days, tea /coffee during session breaks, certificate of participation, and half day local sight-seeing for foreign participants. Dignitaries will have opportunity to work as Session Chair, Co-Session Chair and Resource Person which needs to be indicated at the time of registering. Dignitaries will also have opportunities to distribute certificates to paper presenters and cultural program performers. The cultural program of this conference enables especially the foreign participants to have a bird-eye view of Nepal’s culture, tradition, religion, life style, and ethnic groups which are popular in different parts of the country. According to national census of Nepal, about 123 languages are spoken as a mother tongue (first language). The country is home to over 125 ethnic groups, each with its own unique cultural practices and traditions.

The quality papers will be published in one of the journals of Uniglobe College, namely, Nepalese Journal of Business, Nepalese Journal of Management, Nepalese Journal of Finance and Nepalese Journal of Economics.

Participants arriving by air and bus will be picked up at the airport/bus stop provided details are available in advance. The delegates are requested to arrive Kathmandu one day before the seminar date. There will be no refund if the participants cancel or cut short their participation.

The registration fees for the participants willing to attend the conference on on-line mode are as under:
a) Participants from countries other than South Asia US$ 20 per person
b) Participants from South Asia (equivalent to Indian) US$ 8 per person
c) Nepalese scholars & students N.Rs. 1000 per person
d) Nepalese faculties and managers N.Rs. 1500 per person

The participants from India can also remit the above registration fees in equivalent Indian Rupees using the exchange rate applicable for the payment date.

The registration fees should be paid through bank transfer using the swift code as under:
Receiving Bank of Nepal: Nepal SBI Bank Limited, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Bank Account Number: 20325240200445
Name of the Remitter: [Your Name]
Name of Beneficiary: Uniglobe College, Kathmandu, Nepal
Swift code: NSBINPKA

Once the SWIFT payments are made, the participants are requested to notify the same to Conference Chairperson by email. The participants are also requested to carry hard copy of bank transfer as proof while attending the conference.

Registration is limited to 20 foreign delegates and the rest is reserved for the Nepalese research scholars, faculties, practitioners and students. About 500 participants are expected to participate in this conference.

Theme of The Conference


In relation to the main theme of the conference the following are the areas to be explored:
1. International business & trade 2. Business innovations & ethics
3. Marketing strategies 4. Management information system
5. Entrepreneurship 6. Human resource management
7. Strategic management 8. Operation management
9. Customer relation management 10. Financial management
11. Corporate finance 12. Investment management
13. Financial institutions and markets 14. Business society and ethics
15. International fin. Mgmt. 16. Global recessions
17. Corporate reporting 18. Int’l Actg. standards
19. Corporate governance 20. Sustainability of business
21. Supply chain management 22. E-business
23. Municipal finance 24. Derivatives
25. Insurance and risk management 26. E-governance
27. Corporate culture 28. Management education
29. Banking 30. Digital marketing

Tentative Program Schedule

February 5, 2025

07.00 am – 07.45 am : Registration & breakfast
08.00 am – 10.30 am : Inauguration
10.30 am – 01.30 pm : Technical sessions I, II, III &IV
01.30 pm – 02.15 pm : Lunch
02.15 pm – 5.00 pm : Cultural program
05.00 pm : Tea & cookies

February 6, 2025

07.00 am – 07.45 am : Registration & breakfast
08.00 am – 11.00 am : Technical sessions VI, VII, VIII & IX.
11.00am – 01.30 pm : Valedictory
01.30 pm – 02.15 pm : Lunch
02.15 pm – 5.00 pm : Cultural program
05.00 pm : Tea & cookies

A half-day sight-seeing for foreign delegates would be arranged on February 7, 2025.

About The College

Pokhara University’s Uniglobe College is a pioneer institution in the field of management in Nepal. It is located at the heart of Kathmandu. The college aims at educating the students towards broadening their horizons and enhancing their competence through exhaustive and profound dissemination of knowledge on management. The College has been recognized as the top-ranked management college due to its track records. It has the vision to enlarge it as an internationally renowned and excellent management learning center in Nepal. Uniglobe College has proved its academic strength through its track records. It creates ample opportunity for students to identify their passions and brand strategies to cherish them. The college aims at producing graduates who could become a leader in organizations. The college imparts education to students in fully equipped facilities comprising comfortable class rooms, computer lab with unlimited internet access, audio-visual facilities and resourceful library. The college is committed to excel the high-quality education in this competitive business environment.

The college offers the following programs:
1. Master of Business Administration (MBA)
2. Master of Business Administration – Finance (MBA-Finance)
3. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
4. Bachelor of Business Administration – Finance (BBA-Finance) and
5. Bachelor of Computer System and Information Technology (BCSIT)

The focused MBA (Finance) program is first of its kind and offered only by the Uniglobe College under Pokhara University in Nepal. MBA and MBA (Finance) programs have been designed in a modular format and implemented over six trimesters. More information can be obtained by visiting the website

The College has been recognized as the top-ranked management college due to its track records. It has the vision to enlarge it as an internationally renowned and excellent management learning center in Nepal. Uniglobe College has proved its academic strength through its track records. It creates ample opportunity for students to identify their passions and brand strategies to cherish them.

Organizing Committee

Dr. Radhe S. Pradhan, Conference Chair (Cell 9851070114)
Dr. Nar B. Bista, Principal and Conference Secretary (Cell: 9851036585)
Dr. Khagendra P. Ojha, Chairman
Dr. Gangadhar Dahal, Executive Director
Mr. Min B. Bista, Head, Finance/Administration
Mr. Bishal Singh Bist, Head, IT/MIS Dept.
Mr. Diwakar Bist, Program Coordinator
Mr. Sumit Pradhan, Head, Research Dept.
Mr. Bishnu Thapa, Head, Exam Dept.
Mrs. Khima Dahal, Head, Library Dept.
Mr. Madhav Subedi, Head, ECA/Counselling Dept.
Mr. Pranoy Shrestha, Program Coordinator
Mr. Narayan Prasad Bhusal, Finance Manager
Mrs. Gita Kumari Paneru, Revenue Officer
Mrs. Monika Giri, Communication Officer
Ms. Puja Sah, Research Faculty
Mr. Ramesh Rawat, Research Faculty
Mr. Ram Krishan Dahal, Astt. Librarian
Mr. Krishna Datta Bhatta, Astt. Exam. Officer
Mr. Dipesh B.K., IT Ofificer

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